CoinWisdom Sofia


U subotu, 06.12., održava se CoinWisdom Sofia, konferencija koja želi okupiti poduzetnike, developere te sve bitcoin entuzijaste sa područja jugoistočne Europe.

Razgovarat će se o temama kao što je prihvaćanje Bitcoina u društvu te sama adaptacija uz industrijske poglede sa tehničke, financijske i regulativne strane. Sam raspored predavača i tema možete pogledati na stranici.

Na konferenciji također sudjeluje i HBP Team, gdje će prisustvovati u regionalnom panelu i na izlagačkom štandu.

Ostanite uz nas i pratite sve realtime novosti na @crobitcoin twitteru.


About Author

A dude with passion towards technology. Constantly searching for new things and knowledge from all corners of the world. Recently most occupied with Blockchains and Crypto where I'm striving to build a great community around this great thing. Blockchain is a technology that in his very own nature suits perfectly the environment of Internet in the means of development and online transfer of value. Because of that I believe it will soon become a part of our daily lives. If you have any ideas, suggestions or critics you are more then welcome to contact me:


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