Tržište igara na sreću u kripto industriji nastavlja svoje širenje te je počelo plijeniti interes među igračima iz cijelog svijeta pokazujući pritom beneficije koje nosi bitcoin i ostale digitalne valute u ovom području.
S rastućim prihvaćanjem Bitcoin igara na sreću, ali i vidljivim korakom ostalih kriptovaluta, nije za zanemariti povećanu znatiželju i spoznaju za nove proizvode i servise na tržištu, bile one platforme za igre na sreću, tehnološki naprednije igre ili razvoj u sustavima plaćanja.
Zajednica je gladna za novim informacijama i novostima u Bitcoin i altcoin tržištima i to je katalizator koji također gura Bitcoin Gambling Guide da preuzme još veće odgovornosti u prenošenju važnih vijesti, razvoja, trendova i uvida u online igre na sreću koje bi mogle biti od velike važnosti igračima, operaterima i poduzetnicima.
U naznaci da ispune svoju misiju i postanu globalna postaja za bitcoin igre na sreću, kao što su Bitcoin dice, lutrija, poker ili sportsko klađenje, ovaj online vodič redovito objavljuje relevantne novosti koji dolaze na naslovnice u svjetskom sektoru klađenja. Brine se da pokriva širok spektar tema koje se dotiču mijenjanja tržište, inovacije, važnih događanja, lansiranja brendova i ključnih intervjua da bi uspješno obogatili čitateljevo znanje o digitalnim valutama i najuzbudljivijoj online industriji.
Bitcoin Gambling Guide ostaje pri svojem cilju tako što produžuje inicijative iznad samog pregleda kladioničarskih brendova, pomno filtrirajući svaki detalj, špekulaciju, predikciju, anonimno klađenje i poštenu igru.

Image credit: Satoshi Dice
Kroz novu uglish readlogu koju je preuzela ova web stranica, a to jest da postane čim bliža bitcoin entuzijastima dokazujući svoju vrijednost kao primarni izvor o svemu vezanom uz Bitcoin klađenje i igre na sreću. Također, teže tome da ostvare i povežu konekcije sa poslovnom stranom industrije, kao i poduzetnicima u općenitom tržištu bitcoina te da postanu instrument koji će ih upoznati sa ovom nadasve zabavnom i unosnom industrijom!
English readers
The market for cryptocurrency gambling continues to widen, and it has begun to stir niche interests among bettors across the globe, opting to experience the benefits playing with Bitcoin and other digital currencies presents.
With the growing reception mainly for Bitcoin gambling, but with notable following for the other kinds of cryptocurrencies, it is highly unlikely to ignore the increasing curiosity and awareness for new offerings in the market, be they about new gambling platforms, more technologically advanced games, or simply developments in payment systems and in the currencies that may posit significant impact on the online gambling sector.
The community is hungry for all of the latest information in the Bitcoin and altcoin markets, and this is the catalyst that drives Bitcoin Gambling Guide to take on bigger responsibilities to forward timely and important news, developments, trends and insights into online gambling that may be of paramount importance to the players, the operators, and the entrepreneurs.
In order to fulfill its mission to become the one-stop shop for Bitcoin gambling such as Bitcoin dice, lottery, poker or sports betting, this online guide regularly publishes relevant news articles that are making headlines in the gambling sector worldwide. It ensures that it covers a wide gamut of topics that touch on market changes, innovations, and significant and timely events, brand launches, and key interviews to successfully enrich its readership’s knowledge of the virtual currencies and the most exciting and interesting online industry.
Bitcoin Gambling Guide stays true to its goal by extending its initiatives beyond reviewing online gambling brands, carefully filtering every bit of details, speculations, predictions, and even rumors that may make or break the gambling sector that boasts instant withdrawals, anonymous betting, and provably fair gaming.
Through the new role this website has assumed, it aspires to become closer with the gambling enthusiasts, proving them its worth as the primary source of everything about Bitcoin gambling. Likewise, it hopes to secure ties and connections with the business side of the industry, as well as the entrepreneurs in the general Bitcoin market, and be the instrument that will introduce them to the superbly entertaining and lucrative industry.
Indeed, Bitcoin Gambling Guide functions as a cohesive tool to connect and benefit various parties via its relevant, accurate, and well-maintained pool of informative content. Its dedication to consistently strive to give a fresh take on Bitcoin and online gambling is a clear indication of its determination to become the go-to portal for gambling with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.