Verzija 0.9.0 Bitcoin protokola i polemika developera
Core developeri Bitcoin Foundationa izdali su prošlog tjedna dugo očekivani update jezgre Bitcoin protokola –…
A dude with passion towards technology. Constantly searching for new things and knowledge from all corners of the world. Recently most occupied with Blockchains and Crypto where I'm striving to build a great community around this great thing. Blockchain is a technology that in his very own nature suits perfectly the environment of Internet in the means of development and online transfer of value. Because of that I believe it will soon become a part of our daily lives. If you have any ideas, suggestions or critics you are more then welcome to contact me:
Core developeri Bitcoin Foundationa izdali su prošlog tjedna dugo očekivani update jezgre Bitcoin protokola –…
Mt. Gox, problematična burza iz Japana o kojoj se u posljednjih mjesec dana mnogo pričalo,…
BTC China, Kineska platforma i mjenjačnica za digitalne valute, odlučila je spustiti sve trgovačke pristojbe…
Sa rastom težine i rate „hashinga“ (iteracija), rudarenje kriptovaluta čak i sada nudi dobar „plijen“…
Overstock, veliki online shopping gigant u području pokućstva, kućanske elektronike i ostalog, nedavno je objavio…